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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
What with the last-minute christmas shopping frenzy and (for some of us) the end of the semester, it's hard to find time to think about politics. But don't be fooled: politics is still going on around you. The Bush Administration is advancing on a wide number of fronts, and it's up to all good liberals to pay attention.

The policy proposal with the splashiest headlines is social security "reform" (i.e. elimination). But there are other major proposals in the works as well. The Republicans are considering tax reform by moving towards a national sales or flat tax, or just making another round of huge tax cuts. Looming over the tax discussions is the AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax), which should soon start taking large bites out of middle incomes. Any change in the AMT (like indexing it) will add another hooping spoonful of deficit to go with our already full plate of debt. Additionally, the no child left behind act is about to reach its third year, when schools with failing grades get shut down. You heard me. We are apparently on the verge of wholesale school privatization.

In social policy, the Unreasonables are gearing up to replace Rehnquist, who is going to retire this term. It remains to be seen whether Senate Democrats are ready to put up a fight against a conservative replacement, since it wouldn't change the outlook of the court much. There is also likely to be a series of bills out of congress further restricting gay and abortion rights. The religious right is going to demand their due.

Finally, there is foreign affairs. Iraq is a quagmire of course, and everyone is waiting to see if a civil war breaks out after the January election. If it does, get ready for the draft debate to start up again. There is also growing discussion of whether or not the U.S. should invade Iran and Syria. No I am not kidding. The drumbeat has already started.

So go ahead an enjoy christmas dinner, and light one up on New Years. But then get ready to get back to work. We certainly have it cut out for us.
Posted by Arbitrista @ 7:18 AM
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