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Gloating to a Purpose

Thursday, April 07, 2005
As I am sure that you have heard, the infamous "Schiavo Memo" lauding the issue's political benefits to the Republican party was written by Mel Martinez' legal counsel. The right wing bloggers had been yelling "fake" and now they have egg on their faces, along with Howard Kurtz.

So let's have a good chuckle at their expense, but let's also not get too big for our britches. Because with the Rather memo, we were the ones in the wrong.

In line with my post from yesterday, let's also not get distracted from the main issue. This memo is not important because we get to prove Powerline was wrong, but to get people to understand that the Republicans were using this issue (and their own supporters) in order to stay in power. So less copy on "tee hee Powerline was wrong" and more on "Aren't those Republicans horrible people?"
Posted by Arbitrista @ 3:59 PM
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