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Looney Watch

Monday, April 04, 2005
Still not convinced that the right is out to lunch? Try today's entries.....

Eric Cohen at the Weekly Standard attacks the left for its "autonomy agenda" in reference to the Terry Schiavo case and abortion. Hmm, couldn't one use a single word rather than a cumbersome phrase like "autonomy agenda." Like "freedom" or "liberty." Go back and read the piece and insert the word "freedom" for "autonomy" and Cohen's tract reads like a Mussolini screed.

Next, there is a new book out attacking the Supreme Court. Combined with DeLay's recent threats against federal judges, it appears that the right has decided to destroy the judicial branch. Now aren't these people conservatives? Shouldn't they be in favor or preserving traditional institutions, particularly ones that contain popular passions? Silly person - you are describing conservatives. These people aren't conservatives. They are neofascists, who have little regard for niceties like constitutions and the rule of law. And remember, the democratic function of the courts is to defend unpopular minorites from oppression by oppressive majorities. So I guess destroying the courts is just another part of repealing freedom...er...I mean the "autonomy regime."
Posted by Arbitrista @ 3:52 PM
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