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Monday, May 02, 2005
Right to Privacy

In line with some of my previous suggestions, Pandagon thinks we need to think over how liberals employ the language of privacy. I still think proposing a "right to privacy" amendement might be worthwhile. If it passed, it would put Roe on firmer legal foundation. And conservatives who opposed it would be subject to arguments that they are in favor of the state meddling in people's homes.

MaxSpeak Is Really Smart.

Check it out. Apparently the finance problems with Social Security aren't being driven by an aging population, but by flat wages. Which makes sense, since wages have been flat for decades and social security is funded by a payroll tax. Duh. Why didn't I think of that?

Now I know why the Republicans are focusing on the aging pop thing. The last thing they want to draw attention to is flat middle incomes or maldistribution. By the way, I just checked out the numbers and as of 1998 the top 20% had 85 percent of net worth and the bottom forty had under 1%. Ah, the land of opportunity.

Why Are They Trying Destroy PBS?

Read the horror here. Remember, "balance" means "conservative domination." These people won't be happy until all we here is His Master's Voice.

Please Tell Me We Aren't That Stupid

There had better NOT be an indication that the Democrats are about to cave on social security with this pseudo-progressive element of Bush's plan. We should be hammering the "there they going attacking the middle class again!" theme until we go hoarse.

Have a nice day.
Posted by Arbitrista @ 4:25 PM
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