Monday, January 30, 2006
Rude Pundit had it exactly right, and the Democrats who fucking bailed on their party - no, their country - today had it exactly wrong. I am just disgusted. Appalled. Nauseated. Hell, they haven't even MADE words for how angry I am. I looked at the list of Democrats who voted for Cloture, and they are a roll of shame, of cowards who pissed themselves in the face of a negative campaign ad that no one cared about.These ass monkeys have forgotten that they have to give something - anything - to their base if we are turn out in November. They can't just keep saying "stay with us because we're not as bad as the other guy." They have to show us the money, that they fucking standing for something, that they are willing to stand up to these tyrants in embryo who are bedevilling our country.
Now those "Democrats" have to worry that their own base will remember what ridiculous sycophants they were, and simply not show up in November.
How can they look at themselves in the mirror in the morning? How can they accept the fact that they have handed the keys to the Constitution to a lunatic? Will all the perfumes of Asia ever wash their hands clean?
I wonder what they're going to say when their children look at them through the bars of the gulag and ask "how did you let this happen?"