If Only Sam Alito Were A Green Plastic Lizard
Friday, January 27, 2006
By the way, do you remember when I said that if the Democrats were afraid to use the filibuster, then the filibuster was as good as eliminated anyway? Well here we go. Sam Alito is going to get on the Court because the Democratic leadership in Washington are a bunch of cowards. Bwak-bwak. It makes me sick to my stomach. They won't filibuster because they are a) afraid they will lose the filibuster entirely - when not using it is evidence that for all practical purposes they already have, b) afraid they will be labelled as "obstructionist", when they will be anyway c) are afraid of being called names by Republicans, who are calling them traitors already, and d) are afraid that it will distract from other issues. Other issues? What other issues? What's the point of setting yourself up to regain the Congress if there's a Supreme Court in place that will strike down every piece of liberal legislation for the last 100 years, including the stuff you plan on passing? What a bunch of idiots. I am completely disgusted by this pusillanimous performance. Just disgusted.
Look, if you are running for re-election for the Senate, and someone asks you why you voted against Alito, you respond that he thought it was okay to strip search 10 year old girls. Debate over. These people are so anxious to preserve their own political hides that they are willing to sell out the country, when by rolling over for the Theocons they are GUARANTEEING that they are going to lose their political hides.
Sometimes I think my dog has more sense, and he eats horseshit off the ground.