The Great Cat Invasion of 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
Where the hell do I sleep?Oh well. I suppose that instead I shall smile wryly at the election of John Boehner as House Majority Leader. From the Washington Post:
He [Boehner]struck a more cautious note in private, assuring Republicans that he would not overreact to the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal and eviscerate the lax travel and spending rules they had come to enjoy. As the candidate himself realized, Boehner as the reform candidate was not an easy sell. His beach parties for rich donors were notorious, as were the stories of how he handed out checks from tobacco executives on the House floor a decade ago.
"Yes, I am cozy with lobbyists," he told lawmakers concerned about his K Street connections, "but I have never done anything unethical."
P.S. The latest installment of Dynasty Watch: Mary Landrieu's brother is running for Mayor of New Orleans. Turns out his daddy was Mayor too. Awwwwwww......