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Hugh Hewitt & Ashton Kutcher, Sittin' In a Tree

Thursday, February 09, 2006
Mary Katharine Ham, lapdog to the Patriarchy.

Writing at Hugh Hewitt's webpage, she makes the spectacular assertion that "Beauty and the Geek" is good television. It takes some audacity to argue that ANY reality television show is socially constructive, with their low budget values, pathetic script, puerile "drama,' and ritual humiliations. This show is especially pathetic, since it blatantly trades on gender stereotypes that are covered up only in the most transparent fashion by a PC social message that "everyone has something to offer."

The show fails on its own premise, since the men aren't that bad-looking and the women not only aren't that pretty, but are obnoxiously stupid. I'm talking dumber than rocks here. Operating on brain-stem dumb. (Brazen Hussy pointed out to me that the women are so stupid that it must be an act. NOBODY could really be that mentally deficient. Could they?)

What drives me insane about this show is that you have a group of reasonably intelligent if maladjusted males who still believe that the only criteria that matters in a female is a measure of physical attractiveness. It also perpetuates the view that beautiful women simply can't be that smart.

The program is essentially dedicated to the humiliation of women. Sigh. What else is new?
Posted by Arbitrista @ 8:31 PM
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