You've Got To Be Freakin KIDDING Me
Monday, April 17, 2006
I hope everyone had a happy Bunny Day. Word to the wise - pizza and Reese's Pieces do not mix. Ouch.And from the land of wacky public policy (heretofore known as Nebraska), comes this tidbit:
He [Ernie Chambers, Nebraska's only African-American state senator] was also a driving force behind a measure passed by the Legislature on Thursday and signed into law by the governor that calls for dividing the Omaha public schools into three racially identifiable districts, one largely black, one white and one mostly Hispanic.
An african-american politician in a largely white state pushes through a segregation law? What's next? Nuking a place next door to a country where you have 150,000 troops bogged down in a civil war?
It's unconstitutional, of course - in case anyone has ever heard of Brown vs. Board of Education. It's also very telling that the law passed with the support of conservative (white) legislators from suburban and rural regions. It's also wildly impractical. Where do Asians go? Or Native Americans? And what about those of mixed race? Shall we return to the "one drop" policy? I am positively weary with the notion that there are clearly definable distinctions between ethnicities. Has anyone noticed what mutts we all are?
I find it just sad that a man would reach such a level of frustration with anti-urban, anti-ethnic politics that he would attempt to revive "separate but equal" politics. I can understand his desperation, but this is scarcely a reasonable reaction to it.
Let me give you a little hint, Mr. Chambers. As bad as things are now, they will become much, much worse if everyone in this country becomes convinced that those of "other" identity have no moral claim upon them. Such thinking has led to every genocide in the history of the world. Shame on you.
P.S. My favorite headline of "Duh!" news for the day, from the Washington Post: "Anger At Bush May Hurt GOP At Polls." No, really.