Preemptive Attack
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
The Iraq war should serve as a lesson to liberal bloggers.At the very moment when it becomes clear that the liberal blogosphere is beginning to emerge as a significant political force, there suddenly emerges accusations that they have sold out, are shills for corporations, and are fanatics. More important is the decision to destroy the egalitarian nature of the internet itself. It's no coincidence. Apparently the right has figured that they can afford the loss of their tools on the conservative side of the internet if they can shut down the increasingly formidable left.
The Theocons are determined to destroy or coopt any and every institution influenced by liberals. There are only 2 remaining: academia, which is under direct and indirect assault as we speak, and the blogosphere, which the left is now using as an organizational tool (rather than just as propaganda).
In other words, we're next.