Clear Up This Matter For Me
I wonder why?
I can not understand the logic behind wanting to stop stem cell research.
By Jesse, at 11:53 PM
Apparently it is OK to kill crap loads of fully fledged, concious, walking people actively living their lifes to secure some oil but it is not OK to do research on unthinking, unfeeling blobs of cells that have an immense amount of promise to do untold good?
I suppose if there was some military weapon that could be made with stem cells they would be all for it.
Hopefully the private sector and other countries will pick up the slack on this until we get a better administration. -
I've got the passion of Jesse on this one.
By Penguin, at 9:33 AM
I think it goes along with that, "We want to control everything and everyone" standpoint.
I don't agree that cells are unthinking - I won't go into it - but I do agree that if people are willing to allow their cells to be tested/used for purposes of curing diseases, repairing organs, or helping them/someone else lead a more productive life then *damn* they should be able to do so!
But, there is money in Big Business for us (people) to continue to be sick and/or die early. But, what do I know?
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