We Win!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
George Allen and Conrad Burns have conceded today, cementing the Democratic takeover of both houses of Congress. It's amazing really. Who could have predicted that the Democrats would win 6 Senate seats?Oh yeah. I did.
Okay, I'm done congratulating myself. For now. I admit I was a little off in the House.
Anyway, I'm going to spend the rest of the week basking in the glow of victory and enjoying the gnashing of teeth and internecine squabbling among Republicans. The GOP can't stand being losers - it strikes at the core of their self-conception. I think they're going to look around for some excuse, some external reason why they failed. There are already claims that they weren't conservative enough. Weren't conservative enough? Imagine! What do they want to do, re-institute public flogging? Revive primogeniture and entail? Re-establish property qualifications for voting? How in the world does one get any more right-wing than they have been?
No, I think that Republicans are going to blame George Bush for their troubles. Together with his low approval ratings and jockeying for the presidential nomination, George has become the lamest of lame ducks.
Posted by Arbitrista @ 3:45 PM
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Hey dude. Welcome to the party! I tried to read your blog but couldn't. What gives?
By Arbitrista, at 10:38 AM
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