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How the Fuck Does This Guy Have A Law Degree?

Friday, January 19, 2007
Attorney General Albert Gonzalez claims that the Constitution gives no explicit right of habeas corpus. Either he is a spectacularly brazen liar, or he honestly doesn't know that Article I Section 9 states that:

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

In either case, Gonzalez should be disbarred - either for manifest incompetence or active subversion of the law. He should then be tied up in a room, fed with a feeding tube, and left there without due process. Just so he knows the consequences of his policies.

Posted by Arbitrista @ 11:49 AM
  • Maybe he was absent for most of his Consitiutional Law course during his first year of law school!

    Seriously though, it cheapens the degree I worked so hard to obtain when I hear shit like this!

    By Blogger Seeking Solace, at 12:22 PM  
  • I was just flabbergasted. Now I'm outraged. Gonzalez should be impeached for gross incompetence and subversion of the Constitution. Ugh.

    By Blogger Arbitrista, at 12:44 PM  
  • help restore the writ of habeas corpus (not just to Gonzalez' mind but also to all the detainees). get involved at:


    join the project!

    By Blogger david, at 7:04 PM  
  • help restore the writ of habeas corpus (not just to Gonzalez' mind but also to all the detainees). get involved at:


    join the project!

    By Blogger david, at 7:04 PM  
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