How Much Influence Do Drug Companies Have?
No, what this is really about is that Senators are surrounded 24 hours a day by drug company lobbyists, and gave $20 million in campaign contributions last year.
And folks think we're going to get National Health Care without campaign finance reform. Feh.
Sounds like campaign finance reform is needed. And since they will never implement anything meaningful themselves, we the people will need to take action ourselves. Here's my contribution...
By gary, at 7:54 PM
The idea is to provide candidates with a platform for getting their message out that doesn't cost millions of dollars (via traditional media). This way, at least they're off to a good start in not owing anyone.
Your bigger point is absolutely's pointless to fight the drug law without first breakign the special interest connection.
gary -
That's a nice website, but I'm still not giving up on public financing quite yet. I think Durbin's bill is a good one.
By Arbitrista, at 8:11 AM -
Oh, absolutely. I would't give up on campaign finance reform either. It's even one of the issues on the website. I'm just saying that free communication for the candidates helps the cause of democracy.
By gary, at 3:29 PM
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