The Third Estate
What Is The Third Estate?
What Has It Been Until Now In The Political Order?
What Does It Want To Be?


Thursday, November 01, 2007
Under orders from Brazen Hussy, I hereby pledge to write at least 20,000 words during November. I really out to be writing more, but this way I can feel better about myself when I do!

Speaking of, I realized this morning that a) my dissertation is already a lot longer than I thought it was, and b) I'm a lot further along than I thought. I didn't absorb the fact that single space 1-inch margins produce a lot more pages than the dissertation format - so I already have like 100 dissertation pages written. Also, I had crammed three different models into one chapter, when I only have 6 (maybe 7) models in the whole thing! So by this weekend I'll be halfway done! Damn, I'm dumb.

Posted by Arbitrista @ 9:51 AM
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