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A Thousand Curses On You!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
This is just not acceptable. Not not not.
Posted by Arbitrista @ 3:35 PM
  • This is already how my internet is; I have a local company as my provider. I pay only $14.98, but I think I have a 1 GB limit. If I download an episode of a TV show on iTunes I usually have to pay around $4 for that extra bandwidth.

    It sucks ass...it really does. So, I don't download a lot of music or shows at home. I use my office computer sometimes, but since I don't have administrator privileges on it I can't use iTunes.

    By Blogger The History Enthusiast, at 8:45 PM  
  • We are being nickeled & dimed to death! :(

    By Blogger RageyOne, at 9:21 PM  
  • So very wrong, wrong, wrong. At the moment, I have unlimited. That had better not change.

    By Blogger Belle, at 10:37 PM  
  • Huh? So I guess the plan is to charge an obscene amount of money to have the fastest bandwidth and than charge us for using it.

    This is backwards, for companies are moving everything to the internet ranging form T.V. shows to job applications. I don't even want to see what the W.O.W people are going to do when they can't get their fix at the end of the month.

    By Blogger UDZM, at 12:16 PM  
  • i agree, it is so ridiculous. those poor telecom companies, they must make a profit somehow...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:14 AM  
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