Nobody Is Immune
Monday, January 05, 2009
I don't cry at movies. I can be very sentimental in real life, but I'm pretty much always on guard against Hollywood's crass emotional manipulation. But I have to tell you, I wept like a baby during Marley and Me. It was embarrassing.
Posted by Arbitrista @ 12:44 PM
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No, you are just a pet parent!
By Seeking Solace, at 3:55 PM
I won't go to see it because I cried like a baby when I read the book! -
I've only cried twice in something like 10 years (maybe more), it's not really part of what I do. But I nearly lost it during Benjamin Button...
By Crawlspace, at 6:36 PM
(this is to say, I nearly got a tear and a wee bit choked up)
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